Get a shell inside the snuba-api
kubectl exec -it -n sentry \
$(kubectl get pod -n sentry -l app=sentry -l role=snuba-api -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") \
-- sh -c "/bin/bash"
And run the following in it:
# This will give you the list of migrations and you will see the migration id for the failed migration
snuba migrations list
# Determine the __MIGRATION_GROUP__ and the __MIGRATION_ID__ from the list
# This will revert the failed migration
snuba migrations reverse --group __MIGRATION_GROUP__ --migration-id __MIGRATION_ID__
# E.g.:
# snuba migrations reverse --group profile_chunks --migration-id 0001_create_profile_chunks_table
# If everything is fine, you can reapply the migrations
snuba migrations migrate --force